Sindarin Phrases


Suilad ----- Greetings!

Man eneth lín? --------------What is your name?

___ i eneth nín ----------- My name is ____

Mae govannen! ------ Well met!

Gîl síla erin lû e-govaded vín.-------A star shines upon the hour of our meeting.

Baren bar lin. Le hannon a tholel. ------ My home is your home. Thank you for coming.


Mar bedithach? -------------- When will you go/leave?

Navaer! ------- Farewell!

Na-den pedim ad. ---------------- Until we speak again.

Le cenithon ned lû thent! ---------------See you later! (literally: I will see you in a short time)

Nîr tôl erin baded lîn. ------- A tear/weeping comes on your going.

Losto mae! -----. Sleep well!

Cuio mae! ----- Live well!

Garo arad vaer! ------- Have a good day!

No i Melain na le. ------ May the Valar be with you.

Sílo Anor bo men lín. ---------- May the sun shine on your road.


sí ----------- here

Tolo sí! ------------ Come here!

Bado minui! ---------------- (You) go first!

Bedithon minui --------------- I will go first.

Aphado nin! ------------- Follow me!

Avo visto! ----------- Do not stray!

Daro an îdh sí! ---------- Stop for rest here!

Daro! ---------- Stop / Halt!

Hollen i ven. ---------- The way is shut

Bado na Ennorath! ---------- Go to Middle-earth!

E ú-’ar hired râd. ---------- He is lost./ He is not able to find a way.

Mas anirach baded? ---------- Where do you want to go?

Mas thelich baded? ---------- Where do you intend to go?

Mas bedithach? ---------- Where will you go?

Mas bennich? ---------- Where did you go?

Manen bedithach? ---------- How will you go?

Mar bedithach? ---------- When will you leave?

Man le carel sí? ---------- What are you doing here?

Man gonoded eraid derithach? ---------- How long will you stay?


Pedich i lam edhellen? --------- Do you speak Elvish?

Man pennich? --------- What did you say?

Henion. --------- I understand.

Ú-chenion. --------- I do not understand.

Gweston. --------- I swear.

Teitho! --------- Write!

Trenaro i narn! --------- Tell/recite/sing the tale!

Aníron peded. --------- I wish to speak.

Man le? --------- Who are you?

Man agorech? --------- What did you do?

Mas i ‘ovaded ? --------- Where is the meeting?

Anírach i dulu nín? --------- Do you want my help?

Iston le? --------- Do I know you?

Heniach nin? --------- Do you understand me?

Le neth? --------- Are you young?

Le iphant? --------- Are you old?

Mas athradannech? --------- Where did you travel?

Man cerich a theliad? --------- What do you do for fun (play)?

Man cerich am mudad? --------- What do you do for work (labor)?

Mas dorthach? --------- Where do you live (dwell)?

Mas dorthathach? --------- Where will you dwell?

Man vi noss lín? --------- Who is in your family?

Manen orchal le? --------- How tall (are) you?

Le orchal? --------- Are you tall?

Le thent? --------- Are you short?

Mas bedithach laer hen? --------- Where will you go this summer?

Man cerithach a theliad ennas? --------- What will you do for fun there?

Polite Expressions

Le hannon! ------- I thank you!

Hannad! ------- Thanks!

Carnen an gwend. ------- Done for friendship.

Buion na ‘ell! ------- I serve with joy!

Nad dithen. ------- Just a little thing.

Mae buiannen! ------- Well served!

Goheno nin! ------- Forgive me!

Ú-moe edaved! ------- It is not necessary to forgive!

Im naer. ------- I’m sad/sorry.

Nae, gerich naergon nín. ------- Alas, you have my expression of deep regret.

Mae carnen! ------- Well done!

Mae pennen! ------- Well said!

hîr nín ------- my lord

híril nín ------- my lady

Meal Time

Tolo, mado go nin! ----- Come and dine with me!

Maer aes hen! ----- This food is delicious!

Panno i hûl nín! ----- Fill my cup!

Tolo, mado a sogo uin mereth! ----- Come, eat and drink of the feast!


Caro naid dithin na veleth veleg.----- Do small things with great love.

No i brestanneth anírach tírad vi amar. ----- Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Estelio nin. ----- Trust me.

Gwend sui lotheg i edlothia an-uir. ----- Friendship is like a flower that blooms forever.


Avo bedo! ----- Do not speak!

Avo thano rûth vi gûr alfirin! ----- Do not kindle anger in an immortal heart!

Ae aníron nad carnen, han cerithon anim. ----- If I want something done, I’ll do it myself.

Gerich faer vara! ----- You have a fiery spirit!

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! --------- gîn naneth nai lavan a gîn adar andol na sogo.

Fall into Moria ------- Moria dath neledhi

You're as dumb as a orc and half as charming ------ Ci be-chennas Ci orch 'waur.

Dwarf lover ------ Hadhod melethron.


Man? ----- Who?

Mas? ----- Where?

Man? ----- What?

Manen? ----- How?

Mar? ----- When?

Am man theled? ----- For what purpose? (Why?)

Am man? ----- For what? (Why?)

Manen anann? ----- How long?

Na man? ----- With whom?


Na vedui! ----- At last!

Tiro! ----- Look!

Ai! ----- Ah!

Nae! ----- Alas!