A Sindarin Year

A Númenórean Calender


Spring: Ethuil

Summer: Laer

Autumn: Iavas / Fall: Dannas

-Fading: Firith

Winter: Rhiw

-Stirring: Echuir


January: Narwain (Month of the new sun)

February: Ninui (Watery Month)

March: Gwaeron (Month of Wind

April: Gwirith( Budding of Trees)

May: Lothron (Flower Moon / Month of Flowers)

June: Norui (Sunny Month / Earlier Month of Summer)

July: Cerveth (Later Month of summer)

August: Urui (The Hot Month)

September: Ivanneth (Month of the Fruit Harvest)

October: Narbeleth (Waining of the Sun)

November: Hithui (The Misty Month)

December: Girithron (The Month of Shivering)


Monday: Orgilion (Day of the Stars)

Tuesday: Oranor (Day of the Sun)

Wednesday: Orithil (Day of the Moon)

Thursday: Orgaladhad (Day of the Two Trees)

Friday: Ormenel (Day of Heaven)

Saturday: Oraearon (Day of the Great Ocean)*

Sunday: Orbelain (Day of the Valor)

* Is not originally an Elvish day, but a day that was added by Men.

A Sindarin Calendar

The Elves, owing to their longevity, reckoned in a period of 144 years called, in Quenya, the yén. This was divided into 8766 six-day "weeks", or enquier. They also recognised the solar year, which was called a coranar ("sun-round") or loa ("growth"). In Rivendell, the loa began on the spring equinox and was divided into six "months" or seasons, as follows.

Ethuil- Spring 54 days

Laer- Summer 72 days

Iavas- Autumn 54 days

Firith- Fading 54 days

Rhîw- Winter 72 days

Echuir- Stirring 54 days

Five other days, two between echuir and ethuil (called Yestare and Mettare) and three between iavas and rhiw (called the enderi), meant the calendar added up to 365 days. Irregularities were allowed for by adding another three days every twelve years, except the last year of a yén.

The year (loa) begins on March 21st. That day is called Yestare. The next day begins the season of Ethui;. Tuil'e ends on May 14th. Laire begins on May 15th and ends on July 25th. Yavie begins on July 26th and ends on September 17th. The next three days are the enderi (September 18th, 19th, and 20th). Quellebegins on September 21st and ends on November 13th. Then Hrive starts on the 14th. It ends on January 24th. Coire begins on January 25th and ends on March 19th. The next day is Mettare. These dates only work until the enderi have been doubled. Once every twelve years the elves would double the enderi to replace having a leap year.